Thursday, December 25, 2008

Heralding of a new era ......

It's the last week of the last month of 2008 as we all , I repeat, all, await happenings that we hope shall change our lives for the better, or so we would like to think !! For each one of us, in accordance with the amazing diversity that this world has to offer, the change that we ohh-so-badly want to see or experience varies widely. While a survivor of the recent terror attacks might put " End of Terrorism" at the very top of his priority list, Osama-bin-Laden might have just the opposite on his wish-list.....provided he is alive.... else, May his soul rest in peace !! ( Before you raise your eyebrows at that, let me tell you that it is merely a manifestation of my belief that all of Heaven, Hell and Earth are much better off when the bastard is at rest... coz we all know what happens when he is not ). To provide another instance of such a vivid diversity in human thinking .... while a fresher of my college might be wishing for shorter lecture hours in the forthcoming semester, I, knowing that it is going to be my final semester at IIT, am praying for lengthening of the same hours. And that's pretty much the biggest irony of late... I can't believe that I am actually ready to bear my professors ( Yeah!! The same arrogant bunch of people with whom all of us students seem to share a generation gap of infinite length, a gap which they somehow seem to enjoy while we obviously don't, a gap which they celebrate with a recipe of boring lectures, topped with tyrannical behaviour and garnished with unabashed taunts thrown on us... Delicious.. ain't it ?? ) for as long a time as possible, merely to extend my soon-gonna-end stay in the wilderness of Kharagpur.

And while I ask myself "Is this really coming to an end?" and simultaneously hope " Maybe there's something better in store" against clear evidence thanks to my characteristic sense of exaggerated optimism, I shall keep my promise and let my thoughts take a stroll along the corridors of this relentlessly unending e-world. I shall fulfill my longstanding aspirations of being a dedicated blogger. Let me just say that this is my resolution for the New Year. And as I go about this mammoth task with my head held high and with my zest for learning as my only weapon, the whole world shall witness the grit, the dedication, the determinaaaat ....zzzzzzz ( snore snore) ... the devooooshhhh .... zzzzzzzzzzz..... aaaand the enthuuuuuusiaaa ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz that shall ....

OK ... Some things, I guess, will never change!! Good night for now !! Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year

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